I was born in Seattle, raised between Boston and Seattle, and now reside in California. I lived in Seattle for a year, and moved back six months ago, so I been there recently.
Boston wins. Hands down.http://www.northfaceoutletsales.ca No disputes in any way, shape, or form.
They are the inverse socially. In Boston, people can come across blunt and standoffish, but ultimately, are warm and will have your back - once you make friends with a Bostonian, they will *always* be your friend. In Seattle, people come across friendly and polite, but ultimately, could really care less about you, your wellbeing, your interests, or really anything but themselves and their generally-tiny circle of friends.
I found people in Seattle to be somewhat mypoic, and have a general disdain for other regions - particularly California. I also found many people there to be under the mistaken impression that if something or someone is sarcastic or cynical and dry, it is/they are "funny." And while The Office is a great show, and British humor is where it at,
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when that the only sort of "funny" people seem to be able to deliver, it wears out - fast. Because of this, not only did most Seattlites come off as myopic, but they also came across as crass, and self-congratulatory.
That said, most people there don like to talk to others. so. you may never experience this. You just spend time alone at the bar (which is only like three feet long - people in Seattle use bars like they use restaurants - everyone at tables and not looking for new company), the guy/girl who checks you out at the supermarket every other day will never remember your name, but will remember the time that you commented on the weather, and is freaked out at you for being an intrusive chatterbox from there onwards.
None of this happens in Boston. People there are cool, they enjoyable, they fun.
Boston isn the *most* stylish city in the Union, but it sure beats Seattle. I tend to wear suits due to my occupation, and since I grew up with a combination of classic Bostonian sensibilities with military-family-like compulsions of standard of maintenance, I stuck out like a sore thumb wearing a fashionable suit and witha manicured appearance. If you like to wear earth-tone sweaters, Patagonia or North Face jackets, and hiking boots everywhere, then Seatte is your spot. if you like to dress like you North Face Jackets Sale care, everyone will be afraid of you.
Shopping and dining in Seattle are weak, even my friend/roommate from LA who adores Seattle conceded that it blew, and ordered half her clothing and other things online. I found the Chinese in Boston to be better than Seattle Chinese. Boston has the best pizza and Italian in the US, and also has better Indian. Seattle has better Mexican, but even that isn saying much: Seattle Mexican food sucks compared to California. It a culinary black hole, and people are into "ghetto gourmet" there, like designer bacon and fancy cupcakes.
You also have the best public transit in America in Boston; you probably don need a car. In Seattle. yeah, get a car. But Seattle has some of the worst car theft in the US, so don get a good stereo.
So, all in all, Seattle sucks, and Boston doesn Choose Boston.
Lived both places, have family in both places, have friends in both places.
Seattle is good if you like North Face Jackets Outlet nature nearby (mountains, skiing) and Asian food. I think it depends on whether you like the West Coast or the East Coast. If you are the type of person that would like NYC, and things open late at night, then you would probably like Boston. The weather is not bad. The climate is probably the best in the country if you don mind some rain and overcast. If I were deciding, I would probably stay close to family.